Enhance Wellness and Beauty Today

Personalized P-Shot and O-Shot Treatments for Long-Lasting Results and Beauty Enhancement.

Tailored Experiences for Lasting Results


About us

Elite Body Shot and Wellness is dedicated to empowering individuals to achieve their best lives through comprehensive mind-body wellness programs. Led by Dr. Satterwhite, DNP, FNP-C, the vision is to foster a supportive community offering tools and resources for optimal health and well-being. Committed to evidence-based practices and ongoing research, the goal is to establish a trusted name in holistic wellness.

Enhance Sexual Health

Personalized treatments for long-lasting results in enhancing overall wellness and beauty.

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a close up of a purple and yellow flower
man kissing woman in grass area
man kissing woman in grass area

The O-Shot® [Orchid Shot®]

Approximately 30-50% of women, especially younger ones, experience sexual problems, but only those distressed by it are counted in these statistics. If a woman avoids sex due to these issues but isn't bothered, she isn't included. This might overlook many who tolerate suboptimal sexual activity. Consider if we only deemed high cholesterol a problem when it caused a heart attack. Many women may accept less than optimal sexual experiences and not see it as an issue.

Penile concerns such as erectile dysfunction (ED) and Peyronie's disease (PD) can be treated with Stem Cell Therapy (SCT) and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections. SCT involves injecting stem cells from various tissues, while PRP is derived from a patient’s plasma and injected into penile tissue. These treatments repair tissue and promote growth, with studies showing promising results. However, more large, controlled trials are needed. Recent double-blinded trials on PRP for ED provide significant evidence of efficacy. This review summarizes current research on SCT and PRP for ED and PD.

Enhancing Wellness and with Precision

At Elite Body Shots & Wellness, we specialize in P-Shot and O-Shot treatments tailored to your individual needs for long-lasting results.

row of four men sitting on mountain trail

The p-shot treatment at Elite Body Shots & Wellness has truly transformed my overall wellness.


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assorted medication tables and capsules

I highly recommend the o-shot treatment at Elite Body Shots & Wellness for long-lasting beauty results.


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black stethoscope with brown leather case

Contact Us Today

Reach out to us today for personalized wellness solutions and treatments.

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woman spreading her arms